September 16, 2024

Gurghiu. Castle Ruin and Mansion

Author(s)/Editor(s): KOVÁCS Zsolt

Year published: 2002

Page count: 16

Size: 12 x 19 cm

Languages: Hungarian

ISBN 973-26-0662-2

Publisher: KRITERION

Sponsors: National Cultural Fund, Hungary

Stock availability: On order

Sell Price: 0.00RON

Gurghiu. Castle Ruin and Mansion

The Series Historic Buildings in Transylvania, launched in 1993, presents the most precious examples of Transylvanian built heritage connected to the Hungarian culture, with the purpose of drawing the general public's attention on values, heritage and our responsibilities towards these. The publications of this series are recommended especially to those who at present own or use such values, but also to those who are interested in history, architecture and the Transylvanian art.

Number 37 of the Series Historic Buildings in Transylvania presents the castle ruins and the mansion located in Gurghiu, a settlement at the feet of the Gurghiu Mountains. The royal castle in Gurghiu, first mentioned in 1358, belonging mostly to the functions of voivode or Szekler comes, was one of the most important fortifications of mediaeval Transylvania. After the battle of Mohács (1526) it was in the possession of different Transylvanian princes, after which, during the the anti-Habsburg insurrection led by Ferenc Rákóczi II, it was blown up by the Austrian army, losing its strategic importance. The late Renaissance manor house was built by György Rákóczi I; its partition and furnishing are known from three 17th century inventories. In the 18th century it passed into the property of the Bornemissza family, during which it was enlarged with a Baroque wing. Starting from 1893 it served as a forestry vocational school.