September 16, 2024

Aiud. Bethlen Gábor College

Author(s)/Editor(s): KRIZBAI Jenő

Year published: 1997

Page count: 20

Size: 12 x 19 cm

Languages: Hungarian

ISBN 973-97772-9-5

Publisher: UTILITAS

Sponsors: Bethlen Gábor College

Stock availability: On order

Sell Price: 0.00RON

Aiud. Bethlen Gábor College

The Series Historic Buildings in Transylvania, launched in 1993, presents the most precious examples of Transylvanian built heritage connected to the Hungarian culture, with the purpose of drawing the general public's attention on values, heritage and our responsibilities towards these. The publications of this series are recommended especially to those who at present own or use such values, but also to those who are interested in history, architecture and the Transylvanian art.

Number 16 of the Series Historic Buildings in Transylvania presents the Bethlen Gábor Calvinist College from Aiud. In 1622, the Transylvanian Diet which met in Cluj approved prince Gábor Bethlen's plan regarding the establishing of an institution of higher education and therefore the Academicum Collegium seu Gymnasium Illustre was founded. The college, because of the Turks' attacks in 1658, firstly took refuge in Cluj, and then it was moved to Aiud by prince Mihály Apafi I. In 1704, Aiud was ravaged by the Austrian army, which destroyed the college too. Its reconstruction began in 1711, when rector Ferenc Pápai Páriz asked for financial support from England's king, George I. After a series of other destructions, the edifice was transformed several times, at present serving as a school.